Wednesday 3 December 2014

Portrait in oils

I completed this painting in oils as a gift to my parents in law last month.  I presented it to them during my Wedding Ceremony in Japan.  It was built up gradually in layers and therefore took some time to complete.  It was fun painting in oils again, it's been quite a number of years since I last used them but I was happy overall with the results.

Monday 21 July 2014

I've started a portrait of my wife, Satomi, which I'm hoping to give as a gift to my parents in law when we have our ceremony this November in Japan.  I'm working from a photo I took of her during our photoshoot last year (I was able to snap some photos whilst the professional photographer was taking photos of just Satomi).  So far I've completed the underpainting in Acrylic paint - next stage is to work it up in Oils.  Once I've got more progress, I'll post it up here.

Wednesday 16 July 2014


cos i hate the lady thor design i did my own

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Friday 27 June 2014

Old stuff

I posted the outsource i did for outplay on my personal blog

heres something i started ages ago and gave up on.

Thursday 1 May 2014


Update on my latest work.  I was working on a colour rough for my next painting which I was going to complete in oils but for now I'll probably leave it as a rough and think of something else to work on.  I've been deliberately more vague and not so detailed in this piece as I wanted it to have a nightmarish dream like quality - something not seen clearly.

Monday 14 April 2014


I've completed my latest digital painting "Ascent".  It's been worked up mainly in the evenings with sessions ranging from an hour to a few hours.  I hope to do more work for my own enjoyment soon and will post the fruits of my efforts here as and when I have something to share.